SIIP uses an investment framework to assess and select each proposal or activity for support.
The Framework ensures each activity is aligned with SIIP’s goal of creating local economic opportunities through a pipeline of high priority infrastructure projects. The Framework is guided by five Guiding Principles.
Aligned with Solomon Islands’ development priorities
Inclusive, accessible infrastructure in every province
Resilient to climate change and natural disasters
Local jobs and supporting local industry with skills and opportunities wherever possible
Safe, quality and sustainable planning, design and construction
SIIP uses eight investment criteria to identify gaps or uncertainties in each proposed activity. Each criteria is scored 1-3 and provided to the Steering Committee1 to support their final assessment.
Relevance: alignment with SIG strategies and SIIP goals.
Economic benefit: contributes to regional growth,
productivity and jobs, and is economically viable.
Social benefit: benefits women, persons with disabilities and other marginalised groups.
Local content benefit: creates opportunities for local workers, companies, suppliers and other service providers.
Efficiency/value for money: approach is the most cost efficient way to achieve the expected benefits.
Sustainability: output/asset can be maintained and uses appropriate technologies and life-cycle practices.
Climate change and disaster resilience: resilient to future climate change and natural disasters.
Risk: Acceptable risks that can be managed cost-effectively.